About me

Name: Brittany Partin

Age: 22

From: Colorado

Faith: Roman Catholic

Occupation: A new full-fledged adult, I started working at TAEUS International Corporation half-way through this year to help change the world with better access to intellectual property. My undergraduate degree was in Economics, my master's degree was in Chinese Studies (both from Valparaiso University), and I speak both Mandarin Chinese and Japanese.

Ambitions: I would like to be a position to help a wide variety of people in some form and make social changes, and I would also like to do more creative works--some combination of the two, professionally or not, would be ideal.

Hobbies: I’m a published artist with commission experience; my favorite tools are micron pens, fancy markers, and watercolor paints. I’m a big fan of East Asian culture--it’s fun to know about things like samurai history and the Beijing Opera, and I have thoroughly enjoyed my stays in Japan and China. That brings me to my travel bug, and general interest in different cultures. Hopefully life will be long enough that I walk a lot more of the world with my own two feet.

Contact: brittany.a.partin@gmail.com

I am not an expert on charities, taxes, finance, how to save the world, or any function performed by the showcased organizations. I’ve done as much research as I think is necessary to let you know why these causes are worth supporting, but please be aware that this blog will not have all the answers to any question you might have, and hopefully this blog won’t be your only source of information on some of these topics. Also, I will not showcase organizations which will directly or indirectly provide abortions, support any particular political party or candidate, or have motives contrary to the well-being of the average human being. That being said, the primarily goal is to benefit human beings, with side benefits to the environment, animal welfare, etc. I’m trying to keep this relatively uncontroversial, though there is bound to be more than one side to any issue.