The Challenge!

How the Challenge Works

The primary goal of the Charity Splurge 2011 challenge is get people like you who might not otherwise give anything to charity this year to start giving. (See the “About” page for more specific objectives.)

Here is the challenge I encourage you all you take: for every cause that I post this year, donate at least $10. Challenge your friends to do the same.

“Ten dollars!? Every month?” you might exclaim. “They’ll be lucky if they get that much from me the whole year! I’m in school/unemployed/have kids/etc.!”

Very true, in many cases. I don’t think this is necessarily the case for the average person, though. Please ask yourself the following questions:

-If my monthly internet charge was an extra $10 every month, would I still be paying for it?

-If the latest gadget I got myself cost an extra $10, would I still have gotten it?

-If someone I love really needed $10 right now, and it’s not likely I’ll get it back, would I give it to him?

-Is everything I spend money on really something I can afford to be spending on, however small?

For most of us in the middle class, $10 is something we typically don’t think much of until someone asks for it. I’m as stingy as anyone else reading this, perhaps even more so. I’m a grad student lively sparsely, and I’m frequently stressed about money. However, I’m willing to be realistic: I can part with $10 every month and still be okay. This isn’t just an empty fundraising challenge; it’s an invitation for you all to take the challenge with me. We can be well within our means while still putting money where it’s needed to support the work of people more generous than ourselves.

I’ll post the information and links about different cause or organization every month, as well as occasional posts about fundraising ideas or other charity-related topics. I’ve tried to pick a wide range of organizations, hopefully some with very interesting approaches you might not be familiar with but will feel cool supporting, and I’ve investigated as well as I can to make sure that our dollars will be well-spent. You’ll just need to look it over once a month, follow the links posted to where to contribute securely, tell all your friends about it, keep your receipts for tax breaks, and feel proud yourself for $10 well spent. This will be easy!

Variations on the challenge and very loose rules:

--If you just aren’t interested in the topic of the organization I showcase one month, then find a local cause to give $10. The can be anything from your alma mater to the local animal rescue shelter or the local soup kitchen. Whether it stays in or goes out of your area, that’s $10 which can do a lot of good.

--If you really can’t afford $10 one month, try to fit in some volunteer work, be it picking up trash at the park, making phone calls for a local cause, repairing houses, babysitting, grant writing, baking, visiting the elderly, or whatever.

--If you really like the organization I showcase one month but aren’t very interested in the following, donate $20 to the one you like more. You can budget it however you like.

--If you have extra money to spend at one point but won’t have extra income through the rest of year, just spend it all at once instead of spreading it out if that’s what you prefer.

--If you really, really can’t afford to do the challenge one month, then refrain from other seemingly harmless splurges that month (music, lattes, cute accessories, candy bars, etc.). Spread the word about the blog anyway.

--If you can spend more than $120 this year, set a goal for yourself, and budget it out however you would like. Sometimes, a base gift of $25 will be a lot more helpful.
Nobody is keeping track of this but you and those you share the challenge with. Don’t beat yourself up if you can’t meet your challenge, but whatever you do contribute is appreciated. Part of this challenge is also meant for your benefit (again, see the “About” page).

--I would also really appreciate it if you can spread the word and encourage others to take the challenge (and to spread the word as well). Hopefully I will have badges up soon which you can display on your own webpage to tell everyone that you’re participating in the challenge, or you can get a group of friends together to see who can win your own contest of who can contribute the most or if you’re all really strapped for cash, maybe take turns as a group contributing. Speaking of group power, you can work together with your friends to raise money for a favorite cause or for the monthly causes. How you take this challenge is only limited to your own creativity (and budget).

Happy splurging, everyone!