Not all giving is planned, but disasters do merit it. This isn't a full entry, but rather my executive summary of everything I've just looked into:
AmeriCares: Already has extensive experience with Japanese earthquake relief, 99% of the donation will go to program expenses (as opposed to administrative or fundraising expenses). 4 out of 4 star rating on Charity Navigator. Although we can designate it to disaster relief, there is no place on the donation page online to designate it specifically to Japan.Give here.
Convoy of Hope: A "first responder" disaster-relief oriented organization, active in other recent quakes and provides funding to like-minded organizations as well. Also a 4 out of 4 star rating, 92% goes to program expenses. There is a place for comments on the donation page so I assume you can use that to designate it specifically to Japan. Give here.
Global Giving: They are not doing any action themselves, as they primarily raise funds to give to organizations they deem appropriate. I don't know what these organizations are and can only trust that they're worth it. Nevertheless, they are running a campaign specifically for Japan, and this might be appropriate for a general fundraiser. It seems somewhat popular. Give here.
Although I've done research outside of Charity Navigator to try to get more complete pictures of organizations, they still know what they're talking about and they have very practical advice for how to respond. Please read this page before you decide where/how to give: See here.
EDIT: We have already raised over $3,200 here for our Japanese club/ Valparaiso University fundraiser, and we have decided to split funds between the Red Cross and Lutheran World Relief. My biggest concern is that because of lot of red tape, not every organization that wants to help in Japan will be allowed in. We included LWR because we are a Lutheran school and for many of the people we were aiming the fundraiser at we figured they would appreciate that choice, but I at least feel somewhat confident that the Red Cross will be able to do something in person.
I personally know some wonderful people who have also helped raise a lot of money to send to Japan via the American Red Cross. Hologram